Members of elfish caste Cenath are magic users. Look for them on the upper levels of Ab'Dendriel.
Eroth is the leader of the Cenath caste.
Other known members of the caste are: Maealil and Shiriel.
There are also two other casts: the Kuridai and the Deraisim. Three lost elfish castes are: the Teshial, the Abdaisimand the Chelabdil.
During the the wars of the old times, the Cenath did not partake in the battle as they lived in a valley far from the frontlines. They received books, artifacts and valuable objects from other elves to preserve and they acted as if there was no war at all. When the war reached them, they put all their efforts in maintaining their way of live, even sacrificing some of their own lives to create spells that finally led to the valley being torn out of this terrenal world, and leading it into another dimension. Said dimension is unknown, there are no sources claiming if it was into the Dream Realm, the Otherworld or even the Void. Far from the war as they were, they focused in the study of magic, created light and weather in their valley and lived there for hundreds of years. Ultimately he dimension started to collapse and the elves tried their best to avoid it, but it was inevitable. With theit magic they tried to save as much lives as possible, but almost half of the elves died, all of the books, artifacts and wonders of the valley were destroyed during the return. The Cenath started to wander the lands aimlessly until they met with the Deraisim and finally decided to settle in the wood in their company in one of their former trading posts, leading to the foundation of Ab'denriel.
Elf Arcanists can be see saying "Tha'shi Cenath", although according to the official despcription in the Tibian Library, Elf Arcanist are members of the Kuridai caste, while Elf Scouts say "Tha'shi Ab'dendriel". The lack of available vocabulary in the Elven Language makes it hard to decipher theses sentence's meaning.
Theory about place of Origin[]
There is no much information about the Valley where they used to live, the ruins are described in this book, as if they were hit by a thunderstorm of magic. The valleys found on Tibia's geography are the Mad Mage Valley, the Muggy Plains between the Dragonblaze Peaks and the Spirittrails and the Guzzlemaw Valley in Lower Roshamuul. None of them has ruins with the (few) characteristics mentioned in the book, there are ruins on Roshamuul and a lot of magic traces in the Mad Mage Valley. The former valley in Vandura before the separation of all the Shattered Isles is not an option, as Ocelus mentions that a war between the ancient unkown civilization and the Quaras' ancestors unknown masters destroyed each other and left magic traces all over the islands.
Player: quaras |
Cenath in Tibian literature[]
Name | Book Type | Short Description |
Puldrak's Wisdom About Elves I (Book) | Biography of the Deraisim | |
Puldrak's Wisdom About Elves IV (Book) | Biography of the Cenath. | |
Puldrak's Wisdom About Elves V.II (Book) | Biography of the Cenath continued | |
Puldrak's Wisdom About Elves IV Fragmented (Book) | Damaged biography of the Cenath. | |
The Cenath I (Book) | Biography of the Cenath | |
The Cenath II (Book) | Biography of the Cenath continued | |
The Deraisim (Book) | Biography of the Deraisim | |
Dwarven Report XII (Book) | Reconnaissance on the city of Ab'Dendriel. Study of elven culture and discussion about the danger that elves pose to dwarves. |
What People have to say about the Cenath caste[]
Cenath are regared by other elves as powerful magic users and in general, as an arrogant and egocentric caste, while they see themselves as the only ones wise and smart enough to guide the elves.
Player: Cenath |