Player: hi
Captain Chelop: Welcome on board, recruit player. Where can I {sail} you today?
Player: sail
Captain Chelop: I can bring you back to {Thais} if you are weary or you can stay and fight. What shall it be?.
Player: Thais or town
Captain Chelop: Do you seek a passage to Thais for 210 gold?
Player: no
Captain Chelop: By direct edict of the honorable Henricus himself... well, you know.
Player: name
Captain Chelop: My name is Chelop and I am a captain of this {inquisition} ship.
Player: job
Captain Chelop: Can't you see? I'm captain of the Pesadilla, the proud {inquisition} ship which anchors here.
Player: inquisition
Captain Chelop: By edict of the honorable Henricus himself, we are ordered to give passage to all recruits of the Roshamuul mission for a small fee.
Player: Roshamuul
Captain Chelop: This is the island you are currently on, just in case you forgot.
Player: bye
Captain Chelop: On behalf of the inquisition, I bid you farewell.