For a long time it was thought that the Butterfly had extinct on the Tibian continent. Only recently, the Tiquanda Butterfly has been discovered. So finally generations, who have known those beautiful creatures only from paintings and stories, have now a chance to see them first-hand. Somehow they have managed lately to migrate from the jungle to other areas and have begun to spread all over the world again.
The purple butterfly is the most common. Their dead bodies can be put in a Butterfly Conservation Kit to be used in The Explorer Society Quest.
Damage Taken From Elements
Yalahar, Tiquanda, the Shattered Isles, Alatar Lake, Carlin, Ab'Dendriel and some other places.
A butterfly does not attack. A butterfly will retreat at 2 (100%, full) health.
Just attack. Since it doesn't drop any loot, you should just leave it alone unless it gets in your way.