You see Broken Servant Sentry.
NPC Bubble D


    South of Rabaz, west of steamship


    He looks like an Iron Servant. He is a nonfunctional servant of the Mad Mage.
    Part of the Elementalist Outfits Quest.


    To change these transcripts, edit the transcripts page for Broken Servant Sentry.

    Player: hi
    Broken Servant Sentry: Be Greeted. Greeted. Greeted. On. Be-Be-Behalf. Of. The. The. The. Master. *chhhrrrr* En-En-En-Entering. His-s-s-s. La-ir. Is. Forbidden.
    Player: Master
    Broken Servant Sentry: Our. Master. Is. Keep-Keep-Kee*chrrrchhh*. Keeping. A. Dimensional. Portal. Intact. He. Left. Me. Here. For. Pro-Pro-Pro*chhhhhrchrk*tection. I. Stand. Sentry!
    Player: Dimensional
    Broken Servant Sentry: In. The. Case. Of. A. Dead. Master. The-The-The-T-T-T*chrrrk*The. Portal. Cannot. Be. Maintained. It. Will-Will-Wi-Wi-Wi*chrrrchk*. Will. Collapse.
    Player: Portal
    Broken Servant Sentry: In. The. Case. Of. A. Dead. Master. The-The-The-T-T-T*chrrrk*The. Portal. Cannot. Be. Maintained. It. Will-Will-Wi-Wi-Wi*chrrrchk*. Will. Collapse.
    Player: Collapse
    Broken Servant Sentry: If. The. Portal. Collapses. It. Will. Not. Be. Possible. To. Traverse. The. Dimension. Behind. It. Safe-Safe-Safe-Sa*chhhrrrkchrk*Safely. ...
    Broken Servant Sentry: The. Dimension. Will. Stay. Real. For. About. Sixty. Minutes. Before. Com-Com-Complete. *chrk* Dissolution.
    Player: Sentry or job
    Broken Servant Sentry: Stand. Sentry. We. Will.
    Player: name
    Broken Servant Sentry: We. Are. Sen-Sen-Sen-try! Stand. Sentry. We. Will-ill-ill-ill*chhhhrrrk*. I. Am. Sorry. It. Seems. I. Am-Am-AAAAA*chhhrk*Am. Broken.
    Player: broken
    Broken Servant Sentry: I. Am. Am. A-A-A-*chhhrkchrk*. Are. You. My. Ma-Ma-Ma-*chrrk*ster?
    Player: yes
    Broken Servant Sentry: I. Greet. You. Ma-Ma-Ma-ster! Did. You. Bring. Mo-Mo-Mo-M*chhhhrrrk*ore. Samples. For. Me. To-To-To. Analyse-lyse-lyse?
    Player: yes
    Broken Servant Sentry: No. Sample. Fou-Fou-Fou*chhhhhrrrrk*Found. Sorry.
    Player: samples
    Broken Servant Sentry: If. You. Bring. Slime. Fungus. Samples. Fro-Fro-Fro-Frrrr*chhhhchrk*From. Other. Tower. You. Must. Be. The. Master. Are. You. There. Master?
    Player: tower
    Broken Servant Sentry: Strange. Other. Experimenter. Conducted. Experiments. In. Other. Tower. Great. Problems. ...
    Broken Servant Sentry: Master. Avoids. Problems. An-An-An-AAAA*chhhrk*nd. Needs. Samples.
    Player: experimenter
    Broken Servant Sentry: Dangerous. Slime. Fungus. In. Other. Tow-Tow-Tow-To-To-T*chrrrchk*ower. Need. Samples.
    Player: slime or fungus
    Broken Servant Sentry: If. You. Bring. Slime. Fungus. Samples. Fro-Fro-Fro-Frrrr*chhhhchrk*From. Other. Tower. You. Must. Be. The. Master. Are. You. There. Master?
    Player: no
    Broken Servant Sentry: You. Are. Not. My. Master. I-I-I-Identify-fy-fy*chhhrrchrk*. Please. Plea-Plea-Plea*chrrrrchk*
    Player: bye
    Broken Servant Sentry: Goodbye. Human. Be-Be-Be-Be*chhhhrk*ing!

    Broken Servant Sentry
