You see Bozo
NPC Bubble D
  • Come chat with ol' Bozo!
  • Do you know the one with the dragon? Where - and then ... hahahaha! Oh no, I guess I ruined it.
  • The fools' guild? Are you serious? No, of course not! Hahaha!
  • Welcome, welcome, step closer!


Rain Castle courtyard in north-west Thais on Royal Avenue.


Bozo tells funny jokes about many creatures and has interesting comments about his fellow Thaians. When asked about his job as the Royal Jester, he stops mid-sentence to claim he is the tax collector and asks if you want to pay your taxes. When asked about weapons, he'll sell you the "Mace of the Fury" (a Rolling Pin for 250 gp), and when asked about magic, he'll ask if you'd like to learn the spell "Lessen Your Load" for 200 gp (and gives you nothing).
He can be related to Rookgaard since there is a grave on the premium side that says:

You see a sign.
You read: Bozo
Jester and escape artist

Bozo is a clear allusion to Bozo the Clown, usually shortened to "Bozo" in real life. Main NPC of the What a Foolish Quest.


With Update 8.10 a new outfit was released, the jester outfit. Since NPC Bozo already was a jester before the update and he became part of the quest to get it his outfit was changed to the Jester oufit. This is how he looked before:
Bozo (old)

Trade Details


This NPC does not buy anything.


Rolling PinRolling Pin1250 Gold
Special Flask (Fools Guild)Special Flask (Fools Guild)21,000 Gold
  1. As a 'mace of fury' by saying weapon.
  2. Only during the What a Foolish Quest by asking for a vial.


To change these transcripts, edit the transcripts page for Bozo.

Mace of the Fury

Player: sell
Bozo: Sell? Hmm, I know a little about magic and by chance I can sell you a truly unusual weapon.
Player: weapon
Bozo: Do you want to buy a 'mace of the fury' for 250 gold?
Player: yes
Bozo: And here it is, it suits you well!


You see a rolling pin.
It weighs 5.00 oz.

Pay your Taxes

Player: job
Bozo: I am the royal jes ... uhm ... the royal tax-collector! Do you want to pay your taxes?
Player: yes (if you have money he takes 50 gp)
Bozo: Thank you very much. I will have a drink or two on your health!
Player: yes (if you don't have money)
Bozo: Come back, when you have enough money.


New "Spell"

Player: magic
Bozo: I actually know some spells! Do you want to learn how to 'lessen your load' for 200 gold?
Player: yes
Bozo: Here you are, I've already lessened your load.


Jester's Guild

Before Christmas Update 2007

Player: jester
Bozo: Do you wish to join the fools' guild?
Player: yes
Bozo: Sorry, you already are a member.


After Christmas Update 2007

Player: jester
Bozo: Do you wish to become a jester and join the fools guild?
Player: yes
Bozo: So you want to make a total fool of yourself? Fine with me, but note that becoming a real fool means more than being just an ordinary fool ...
Bozo: Bozo: You will have to master a whole series of challenging, lengthy and, above all, totally foolish quests ...
Bozo: Are you sure you want to waste a part of your limited lifetime on a quest that makes a fool of yourself and which might award you with the prestigious title of a grand fool in a far away future? Player: yes
Bozo: What a foolish decision! You are indeed a worthy candidate! But let's talk about business ...
Bozo: Being a jester is not just about telling jokes. A good jester heavily relies on requisites ...
Bozo: Getting some requisites will be your first job. First of all we need a good supply of water squirt flowers ...
Bozo: I'm making them on my own in my spare time but I need the right material. South of Thais, next to the Whiteflower Temple, you will find the ideal flowers ...
Bozo: Take a kitchen knife, cut the thickest and healthiest flower and bring it here. Then talk to me about your mission.
Player: jester (if you are already a jester)
Bozo: Wow, your stupidity would be pride and joy for every fool. You've already applied as a member. Let's rather talk about your current mission.


Jokes about Vocations

Player: druid
Bozo: If you are in Druidville, do as the rabbits do.
Player: knight
Bozo: Did you notice that old knights have their scars just on their backs?
Player: paladin
Bozo: They are the king's favourites, because they know how to 'bow'.
Player: sorcerer
Bozo: The good thing about them is that they can't be at two places at the same time.
Player: your vocation here
Bozo: I wanted to become a your vocation here, too, but I was overqualified!


Joke at Woman

If your character is female:

Player: hi
Bozo: Hello, hello, hello, little lady Player!
Player: lady
Bozo: Has any man said to you that you're not only beautiful but also intelligent?
Player: no
Bozo: Well, think about it!
Player: yes
Bozo: This is a world of fantasy and full of surprises!

If your character is male:
Player: hi
Bozo: Hi there, how's it hanging, Player!
Player: lady
Bozo: Well, you don't behave ladylike just because you dress like one!


Jokes about Monsters

Player: beholder
Bozo: Why are beholders so ugly? ... Because their mom and dad were beholders, too!
Player: cyclops
Bozo: How many eyes does a cyclops have? ... One for each IQ point of their opponents!
Player: demon
Bozo: Why are the experienced heroes quicker than others? ... The demons love fast food!
Player: dog
Bozo: Are we talking about Noodles?
Player: dragon
Bozo: Why do dragons breathe fire? ... They ate too many sorcerers in chili sauce!
Player: minotaur
Bozo: What do all little minotaurs want to become when they are grown-ups? ... Cowboys, of course!
Player: orc
Bozo: Why do orcs have green skin? ... They ate at Frodo's!
Player: rat
Bozo: Why does the rat have a wooden leg? ... Because it is a former pirate!
Player: skeleton
Bozo: Why do skeletons flee if wounded? ... They are so spineless!
Player: spider
Bozo: Why did the spider cross the road? ... Because it ... oh you already know this one!?
Player: troll
Bozo: Why do trolls live underground? ... Because on the ground there are so many PKs!
Player: wolf
Bozo: Why do the wolves howl? ... Hey, if you're online that long you can't help but behave that way!


Jokes about NPCs

Player: Benjamin
Bozo: He would make a fine jester, too.
Player: Elane
Bozo: She's pretty but has a kind of too burning affection for my taste.
Player: Marvik
Bozo: Humourless old guy! Once turned me into a frog for painting his distasteful cave in pink.
Player: Muriel
Bozo: Better don't mess with sorcerers!
Player: Noodles
Bozo: Hey, the little one is almost as funny as me!
Player: Oswald
Bozo: If you believe half the rumours he's spreading, you are going to get in a lot of trouble.
Player: Quentin
Bozo: He's my baby brother. If you tell him I sent you, he will grant you an extra spell or two.
Player: Sam
Bozo: Did you know that he now sells a 'power axe of doom'? Run and buy it, he has only three in store.
Player: Gorn
Bozo: He sells spell scrolls each day at midnight, but you have to address him that very second.
Player: Gregor
Bozo: A man of steel, with a stomach of wax. Never offer him a beer!


Misc. Jokes

Player: Durin
Bozo: Isn't he the author of the book 'Fun with Demons'?
Player: Stephan
Bozo: He is kind of a father figure to me. Of course he denies all kinship to me.
Player: Steve
Bozo: He's a smart one. I heard he hid in a foreign country when the first bugs showed up.
Player: god
Bozo: I better make no jokes about THIS matter.
Player: king
Bozo: Nah, no jests about His Royal Highness.
Player: hugo
Bozo: I had a cousin named like that.
Player: cousin
Bozo: He died some years ago.
Player: guild
Bozo: Since the first guild showed up there's a great demand for jesters and fools to join them.
Player: name
Bozo: My name is Bozo. But it's more than a name, it's a lifestyle to me!
Player: bye
Bozo: Remember: A joke a day keeps the ghouls away!

