You see Benjamin
NPC Bubble D
  • Welcome to the post office!
  • If you need help with letters or parcels, just ask me. I can explain everything.
  • Hey, send a letter to your friend now and then. Keep in touch, you know.


Thais Depot at Harbour and Main Street.


A legendary Thaian general who lost his memory in a battle against Ferumbras. He then retired and was given the postman position by King Tibianus.

Trade Details


This NPC does not buy anything.


LabelLabel1 Gold
LetterLetter8 Gold
ParcelParcel15 Gold


To change these transcripts, edit the transcripts page for Benjamin.

Player: hi
Benjamin: Hello. How may I help you Player? Ask me for a {trade} if you want to buy something. I can also explain the {mail} system.
Player: name
Benjamin: My name is Benjamin.
Player: job
Benjamin: I'm working here at the post office. If you have questions about the Royal Tibia Mail System or the depots, ask me.
Player: office
Benjamin: I'm always in my office. You are welcome to visit me here at any time.
Player: time
Benjamin: Now it's 10:41 am. Maybe you want to buy a watch?
Player: join
Benjamin: Uh... oh... Uhm... Join what?
Player: thais
Benjamin: This is the town you are currently in.
Player: carlin
Benjamin: You can send letters and parcels to Carlin.
Player: army or general or Ferumbras
Player: help or info or mail
Benjamin: With our mail system you can send {letters} and {parcels} to other Tibians. I can either explain how {letters} and {parcels} work or sell them to you if you ask me for a {trade}.
Player: news
Benjamin: Sorry, I don't read the letters we deliver.


Thaian NPCs

Player: Baxter
Benjamin: This naughty child, always stealing apples!
Player: Bozo
Benjamin: He hangs around here quite often. He says that I inspire him.
Player: Eclesius
Benjamin: I know him because he always forgets to write the name of the recipient on his parcels and letters. The hardest part is to find out who he actually wanted to send it to.
Player: Elane
Benjamin: Oh, she lives next door.
Player: Frodo
Benjamin: Frodo... Frodo... ? Uhm... isn't that the guy that brings me food at lunchtime?
Player: Gorn
Benjamin: He sells equipment.
Player: Gregor
Benjamin: Never heard of him.
Player: Harkath Bloodblade
Benjamin: Oh, young Harkath will be a fine warrior some day.
Player: Kevin
Benjamin: That name sounds familiar... who might that be...
Player: king
Benjamin: The king? Oops, I... can't remember his name...
Player: Tibianus
Benjamin: Ah, King Tibianus, our wise ruler. He has been sick for some time, hasn't he?
Player: Lugri
Benjamin: NO! NO! NO! GO AWAY!.
Player: Lynda
Benjamin: She's SO pretty!
Player: Marvik
Benjamin: He's always talking about healing me even though I'm fine... I believe he is a bit nuts, poor man.
Player: Muriel
Benjamin: This Muriel has a lot of correspondence.
Player: Quentin
Benjamin: Ooooh, nice man, visits me often... I think.
Player: Quero
Benjamin: I love his music! He's my best friend and I visit him as often as I can.
Player: Sam
Benjamin: Ham? No thanks, I already ate fish.
Player: Sherry McRonald
Benjamin: I don't drink alcohol while I'm on duty.
Player: Xodet
Benjamin: The young sorcerer is a good businessman.

