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Violating or attempting to violate Tibia Rules will most likely result in some form of punishment depending on the severity of the violation. Regardless of the type of punishment, a criminal record entry will be issued. Criminal records remain until the first of the month after at least six months after the end date of the most recent entry. Some entries will never be deleted.

With the exception of namelocks, punishments in Tibia always affect whole accounts, for example, if one character is banished for an offensive statament, it is impossible to log in with any character on that account until the banishment has expired.

Banishments can be complained about via e-mail to support@tibia.com. A player has 60 days after the banishment was issued to complain. Punishments as a result of the automated modified client detection system are final, and as such there is no complain option present. You can, however, report problems to Cipsoft using their support email address. If the banishment was automatic they will send you a generic email in responce, however if it's any other type of banishment they may reconsider at their own discretion.

The presence of any of the following criminal record entries will prevent a player from becoming a tutor and will dismiss any current tutor. The reason for each entry is shown in the corresponding entry on the account's criminal record.


A notation is a criminal record entry intended to serve as a warning against future illegal behavior. It is most often issued for trifling rule violations that do not, in the eyes of the issuing customer support member, warrant a full banishment. Unlike other banishments, a notation does not prevent the player from logging in or posting on the forum. In most other aspects, a notation is the same as a regular banishment. The presence of a notation will prevent a player from taking the tutor exam and will dismiss current tutors. Like regular banishments, notations disappear after at least six months with no further criminal record entries. However, if a player has a final warning, then an additional notation will not result in the account being deleted.


Starting October 16, 2001, when the name of a character violates rule 1 of the Tibia Rules, that character will receive a namelock. Because these are issued directly by customer support, there is no complain option on the account page.

A namelock only prevents the affected character from logging into the game and posting on the forum. Other characters on the account are unaffected. The reason for the namelock will be shown in the criminal record. You will have three chances to rename your character. The change must be approved by customer support, a process that may take up to three days. If a new name is rejected three times, the character will receive a random name from the name generator.

If you are certain that a namelock was not justified, you should contact a Tutor in the Help Channel or the forum. The Tutor will forward the case to customer support if he agrees that the namelock was a mistake.

Namelocks issued to characters with a final warning will not result in an account deletion, though namelocks for offensive names are often issued along with account banishments.

Account Banishment[]

Banishments are the most common form of punishment in Tibia. Banishments are issued for violations of the Tibia Rules and can last from one day to thirty days, excluding all characters of the banished account from the game and from posting on the forum for that time. The length of the banishment is determined by previous criminal record entries, the rule broken, and the severity of the violation. Trifling violations are often given notations, or warnings. Banishments for severe violations like cheating, hacking, using unofficial software, and account sharing are almost always issued thirty day banishments, if not an outright account deletion. Banishments for intermediate offenses are typically three, seven, or fifteen days long. Note that all thirty day banishments are automatically accompanied by a final warning, so future criminal record entries will result in an account deletion.

A special type of account banishment is from a charge back for a premium time payment. If the payment for premium time is canceled after the premium time has been activated and used, the player will be banished until the payment is repaid. Players experiencing billing troubles should not activate the premium time until the payment has been confirmed. Too many charge backs may result in an account deletion, so problems with them should be quickly addressed on the billing board or by contacting customer support.

An example of a banishment that has expired:


An IP-banishment is a rare banishment. This is a security feature intended to prevent a single player from spreading links to hack sites. During the time of the banishment, nobody using the banished IP address can log into the game or post on the forum. This means that if you play on a shared network and another player on that network receives and IP-banishment, you and everyone else using that IP address will be unable to connect.

Only the player who received the original IP-banishment will receive a criminal record entry. After the banishment have passed, other accounts will be completely unaffected.

A player may not complain directly about an IP-banishment. However, the criminal record entry will be removed if the banishment that accompanied the IP-banishment is removed.

Note: CipSoft reserves the right to temporarily block whole IP-addresses if they see fit to do so.

Final Warning[]

A final warning is a criminal record entry that automatically accompanies a 30-day banishment. As of 21 January 2010, final warnings issued for unofficial software, account sharing and account trading are permanent. This change also applies to final warnings issued before the news article was announced. Final warnings issued for other reasons will be deleted after at least six months have passed since a criminal record entry. Unlike many other criminal record entries, a player may not complain about the final warning directly. If the 30-day ban that accompanied the final warning is removed, the final warning will also be removed.

If a player with a final warning on his account receives any further banishment, his or her account will be deleted.

If an account has a final warning, no character on that account can use the character world transfer service. This means that accounts with permanent final warnings will never be able to use the world transfer service.

Account Deletion[]

An account deletion is the most serious form of punishment that occurs if the player has severely violated the Tibia Rules on multiple occasions or if the account have been detected using unofficial software to play. Deletions seldom occur instantly, but accounts are banished until deletion while an open investigation is still ongoing. The player may complain for the typical period of seven days. If the banishment still stands after these seven days, the account will be deleted.

Accounts caught using unofficial software by the detection tool may be deleted outright, though the criteria used in determining the punishment is not known.

Another occurrence of account deletions is possible. First, a player will be banished until deletion if his premium time payment is canceled after he has activated it. The account will remain this way until it is repaid. If too many charge backs occur, the account may be deleted permanently.
