
Attack Cooldown Attack Spells is a class of spells and a primary cooldown group of spells that inflict damage on the affected target. Sorcerers have mastered more instant attack spells than any other vocation, and can cause great damage with these spells without the need to make or carry runes.

This cooldown is also triggered by Attack Runes, causing a 2 seconds cooldown.

Name Words Prem Level Mana Price Group Effect
Annihilation Annihilation exori gran ico 110 300 20,000 Attack Physical Damage Icon Attempts to execute the selected target with a devastating blow, dealing massive physical damage.
Apprentice's Strike Apprentice's Strike exori min flam 8 6 0 Attack Burned Icon Shoots a weak fire missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Berserk Berserk exori 35 115 2,500 Attack Physical Damage Icon Performs a whirlwind attack, dealing damage acording to the weapon characteristics to all surrounding targets.
Brutal Strike Brutal Strike exori ico 16 30 1,000 Attack Physical Damage Icon Performs a brutal attack on the selected target, dealing physical damage.
Buzz Buzz exori infir vis 1 6 0 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a weak energy missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Chill Out Chill Out exevo infir frigo hur 1 8 0 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots a weak area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing ice damage.
Curse Curse utori mort 75 30 6,000 Attack Inflicts cursed conditions on the target.
Death Strike Death Strike exori mort 16 20 800 Attack Cursed Icon Shoots a death missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Divine Caldera Divine Caldera exevo mas san 50 160 3,000 Attack Holy Damage Icon Calls down a rain of holy fire to purify the area around the caster, dealing holy damage in a radius of 3 squares.
Divine Grenade Divine Grenade exevo tempo mas san 300 160 0 Attack Plants a marker at the feet of your target that explodes after 3 seconds dealing holy damage.
Divine Missile Divine Missile exori san 40 20 1,800 Attack Holy Damage Icon Blasts the selected target with divine energy, dealing holy damage. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Electrify Electrify utori vis 34 30 2,500 Attack It deals Energy Damage over time.
Energy Beam Energy Beam exevo vis lux 23 40 1,000 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a 5 square long beam directly in front of the caster, dealing energy damage.
Energy Strike Energy Strike exori vis 12 20 800 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots an energy missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Energy Wave Energy Wave exevo vis hur 38 170 2,500 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a powerful area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing strong energy damage.
Envenom Envenom utori pox 50 30 6,000 Attack Deals poisoned condition
Eternal Winter Eternal Winter exevo gran mas frigo 60 1050 8,000 Attack Freezing Icon Summons a raging blizzard, dealing extremely high ice damage on a total of 64 squares around the caster. The spell deals about 5-10% more damage than Wrath of Nature, but its area of effect is smaller.
Ethereal Spear Ethereal Spear exori con 23 25 1,100 Attack Physical Damage Icon Throws a magical spear at the selected target, dealing physical damage based on the distance fighting skill.
Executioner's Throw Executioner's Throw exori amp kor 300 225 0 Attack Throws your weapon on your target, bouncing it on nearby enemies.
Fierce Berserk Fierce Berserk exori gran 90 340 7,500 Attack Physical Damage Icon Performs a furious whirlwind attack, dealing high damage acording to the weapon characteristics to all surrounding targets
Fire Wave Fire Wave exevo flam hur 18 25 850 Attack Burned Icon Shoots an area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing fire damage.
Flame Strike Flame Strike exori flam 14 20 800 Attack Burned Icon Shoots a fire missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Front Sweep Front Sweep exori min 70 200 4,000 Attack Physical Damage Icon Performs a powerful cleave attack, dealing strong damage acording to the weapon characteristics to the targets in front of the knight.
Great Death Beam Great Death Beam exevo max mort 300 140 0 Attack A beam spell that deals death damage.
Great Energy Beam Great Energy Beam exevo gran vis lux 29 110 1,800 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a powerful, 8 square long beam directly in front of the caster.
Great Fire Wave Great Fire Wave exevo gran flam hur 38 120 25,000 Attack Burned Icon Shoots an area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing fire damage.
Groundshaker Groundshaker exori mas 33 160 1,500 Attack Physical Damage Icon A massive stomp dealing damage acording to the weapon characteristics in a 3 square meter radius.
Hell's Core Hell's Core exevo gran mas flam 60 1100 8,000 Attack Burned Icon Causes a devastating explosion of flames, dealing extremely high fire damage on a total of 73 squares around the caster. The spell deals about 5-10% more damage than Rage of the Skies, but its area of effect is smaller.
Holy Flash Holy Flash utori san 70 30 7,500 Attack Makes the target become dazzled, receiving holy damage over time.
Ice Burst Ice Burst exevo ulus frigo 300 230 0 Attack Casts a powerful ring of ice around the character.
Ice Strike Ice Strike exori frigo 15 20 800 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots an ice missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Ice Wave Ice Wave exevo frigo hur 18 25 850 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots an area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing ice damage.
Ignite Ignite utori flam 26 30 1,500 Attack Deals Fire Damage over time, similar to Electrify.
Inflict Wound Inflict Wound utori kor 40 30 2,500 Attack It inflicts an open wound on the enemy target inflicting Bleeding condition making them lose health over time.
Lesser Ethereal Spear Lesser Ethereal Spear exori infir con 1 6 0 Attack Physical Damage Icon Throws a magical spear at the selected target, dealing physical damage based on the distance fighting skill.
Lesser Front Sweep Lesser Front Sweep exori infir min 1 6 0 Attack Physical Damage Icon Performs a cleave attack, dealing damage to the targets in front of the knight.
Lightning Lightning exori amp vis 55 60 5,000 Attack Stronger version of Energy strike, can do around 50% more damage and has a 5 square range making it a very useful long-range single target spell.
Mud Attack Mud Attack exori infir tera 1 6 0 Attack Poisoned Icon Shoots a weak earth missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Physical Strike Physical Strike exori moe ico 16 20 800 Attack Physical Damage Icon Shoots a physical damage missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Practise Fire Wave Practise Fire Wave exevo dis flam hur 1 5 0 Attack Burned Icon Shoots a fire attack in the shape of a cone in the direction the caster is looking, similar to Fire Wave.
Rage of the Skies Rage of the Skies exevo gran mas vis 55 600 6,000 Attack Electrified Icon Invokes an immense lightning storm, dealing extremely high energy damage on a total of 85 squares around the caster. The spell deals about 5-10% less damage than Hell's Core, but its area of effect is larger.
Scorch Scorch exevo infir flam hur 1 8 0 Attack Burned Icon Shoots a weak area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing fire damage.
Strong Energy Strike Strong Energy Strike exori gran vis 80 60 7,500 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a powerful energy missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Strong Ethereal Spear Strong Ethereal Spear exori gran con 90 55 10,000 Attack Physical Damage Icon A strong version of the Ethereal Spear spell.
Strong Flame Strike Strong Flame Strike exori gran flam 70 60 6,000 Attack Burned Icon Shoots a powerful fire missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Strong Ice Strike Strong Ice Strike exori gran frigo 80 60 6,000 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots a powerful ice missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Strong Ice Wave Strong Ice Wave exevo gran frigo hur 40 170 7,500 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots a powerful, but short ranged area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing strong ice damage.
Strong Terra Strike Strong Terra Strike exori gran tera 70 60 6,000 Attack Poisoned Icon Shoots a powerful earth missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Terra Burst Terra Burst exevo ulus tera 300 230 0 Attack Casts a powerful ring of earth around the character.
Terra Strike Terra Strike exori tera 13 20 800 Attack Poisoned Icon Shoots an earth missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Terra Wave Terra Wave exevo tera hur 38 170 2,500 Attack Poisoned Icon Shoots a powerful area attack directly in front of the caster, dealing strong earth damage.
Ultimate Energy Strike Ultimate Energy Strike exori max vis 100 100 15,000 Attack Electrified Icon Shoots a very powerful energy missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Ultimate Flame Strike Ultimate Flame Strike exori max flam 90 100 15,000 Attack Burning Icon Shoots a very powerful fire missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Ultimate Ice Strike Ultimate Ice Strike exori max frigo 100 100 15,000 Attack Freezing Icon Shoots a very powerful ice missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Ultimate Terra Strike Ultimate Terra Strike exori max tera 90 100 15,000 Attack Poisoned Icon Shoots a very powerful earth missile at the selected target up to 3 square meters away. If no target is selected, the damage is focused on the single square right in front of the caster.
Whirlwind Throw Whirlwind Throw exori hur 28 40 1,500 Attack Physical Damage Icon Throws the wielded weapon at the selected target like a boomerang, dealing physical damage.
Wrath of Nature Wrath of Nature exevo gran mas tera 55 700 6,000 Attack Poisoned Icon Calls forth a huge mass of poisonous vines to strangle enemies, dealing extremely high earth damage on a total of 101 squares around the caster. The spell deals about 5-10% less damage than Eternal Winter, but its area of effect is larger.
