
You see an assassin star (Atk:65, Def:0).
It can only be wielded properly by players of level 80 or higher.
It weighs 2.00 oz.


This used to be the best one-handed weapon a Paladin could wield. On average, they break every 3 hits (33% chance to break). They have a range of 4 sqm. The benefits to Assassin Stars not only include their high attack, but furthermore the ability to use a shield as well. An Arbalest with Infernal Bolts might be a better option if keeping your distance isn't a problem. After Updates/9.6, Assassin Stars have been used slightly less often mainly due to the large increase of damage given to Infernal Bolts.


In the early testing, the attack value was 90. This was later changed to 65 as 90 was seen as too powerful.

Trade Details

Buy From

Atrad1Goroma100 Gold
  1. After obtaining the Assassin Outfit.

Sell To

No NPC buys this item.
