
Apparition Effects are Effects that display the appearance or vanishing of some sort of creature on the map.

List of Client Feature Effects[]

Name Caused By Effect
Assassin Effect Assassin Effect A fleeing thief during the Top of the City Quest.
Avatar Effect Avatar Effect
Big Scratching Effect Big Scratching Effect Appears during the use of certain abilities from creatures. For example, Werepanther, Weretiger, Werecrocodile, and the Cunning Werepanther.
Bite Effect Bite Effect Probably a spell of one of the Soul War Quest bosses.
Blue Ghost Effect Blue Ghost Effect
Demon Mirror Effect Demon Mirror Effect ?
Devovorga Effect Devovorga Effect Using a Vessel of Devovorga.
Exploding Kraknaknork Effect Exploding Kraknaknork Effect Kraknaknork appearance during The Rookie Guard Quest.
Fae Effect 1 Fae Effect 1 Using a Small Plant House. ?
Fae Effect 2 Fae Effect 2 ? ?
Ferumbras Effect (Vessel) Ferumbras Effect (Vessel) Using a Vessel of Ferumbras
Ferumbras Effect 2 Ferumbras Effect 2 Using a Vessel of Ferumbras
Ferumbras Effect Ferumbras Effect Appears during the fight against Ferumbras Mortal Shell.
Gaz'haragoth Effect Gaz'haragoth Effect Using a Vessel of Gaz'haragoth.
Ghost Smoke Effect Ghost Smoke Effect * Using a Death Knell in specific locations during the Feaster of Souls Quest.
  • Appears on Ebb and Flow when a creature is about to apply the Feared condition to a character.
Ghostly Bite Effect Ghostly Bite Effect Probably a spell of one of the Soul War Quest bosses.
Ghostly Scratch Effect Ghostly Scratch Effect Probably a spell of one of the Soul War Quest bosses.
Green Ghost Effect Green Ghost Effect ?
Horestis Effect Horestis Effect Using a Vessel of Horestis.
Kraknaknork Effect Kraknaknork Effect Kraknaknork appearance during The Beginning Quest.
Mad Mage Effect Mad Mage Effect Using a Vessel of the Mad Mage.
Scratching Effect Scratching Effect ?
Sea Serpent Effect Sea Serpent Effect Using a Bait on a Crane None.
Slash Effect Slash Effect Certain Creature Spells, such as those from Sugar Daddy. Aswell as possibly a spell for one of the Soul War Quest bosses.
Thaian Effect 1 Thaian Effect 1 It's the appearance of Thaian and The Thaian. None.
Thaian Effect 2 Thaian Effect 2 It's the appearance of The Thaian and of Thaian's Ghost. None.
Vanishing Fae Effect Vanishing Fae Effect Using a Bladespark Figurine, a Dancing Fairy (Object) or Dancing Fairy (Quest). ?