
When the service is Active[]

To Rent:

Player: hi
Appaloosa: Salutations, Player! I guess you are here for the horses.
Player: rent
Appaloosa: Do you want to rent a horse for one day at a price of 500 gold?
Player: yes
Appaloosa: I'll give you one of our experienced ones. Take care! Look out for low-hanging branches.


To Transport:

Player: hi
Appaloosa: Salutations, Player! I guess you are here for the horses.
Player: transport
Appaloosa: We can bring you to Thais with one of our coaches for 125 gold. Are you interested?
Player: yes
Appaloosa: Have a nice trip!


When the service is Inactive[]

Trying To Rent:

Player: hi
Appaloosa: Salutations, Player! I guess you are here for the horses.
Player: rent
Appaloosa: Right now our horses are on the loose. As long as there are not enough horses chased back into the barn, there are no horses to rent.


Trying To Transport:

Player: hi
Appaloosa: Salutations, Player! I guess you are here for the horses.
Player: transport
Appaloosa: Right now our horses are on the loose. They ran towards Thais! They're probably trying to escape together with the Thaian horses. ...
Appaloosa: Please go to the horse station in Thais and help Palomino with catching the horses there. Until then we can offer you neither transport nor rentable horses.
