
Ankrahmun Buildings

Name Type Size (sqm) Rent (gp) Beds Floors Rooms Location
Arakmehn III House 26 100,000 2 1 1 Northern part of Ankrahmun.
Arakmehn II House 26 80,000 1 1 1 Northern part of Ankrahmun
Arakmehn IV House 28 100,000 2 1 1 Northern part of Ankrahmun.
Arakmehn I House 28 100,000 3 1 1 Northern part of Ankrahmun
Botham I a House 19 50,000 1 1 1 East side of the city.
Botham I b House 56 150,000 3 1 3 East side of the city.
Botham I c House 32 150,000 2 1 2 East side of the city.
Botham I d House 57 150,000 3 1 2 East side of the city.
Botham I e House 31 80,000 2 1 1 East side of the city.
Botham II a House 17 25,000 1 1 1 Southeast part of the city.
Botham II b House 30 100,000 2 1 2 Southeast part of the city.
Botham II c House 23 100,000 2 1 2 Southeast part of the city.
Botham II d House 37 100,000 2 1 1 Southeast part of the city.
Botham II e House 31 100,000 2 1 1 Southeast part of the city.
Botham II f House 31 80,000 2 1 1 Southeast part of the city.
Botham II g House 26 80,000 2 1 1 Southeast part of the city.
Botham III a House 26 80,000 2 1 1 South of temple.
Botham III b House 17 50,000 2 1 1 South of Ankrahmun Temple.
Botham III c House 17 25,000 1 1 1 South of Ankrahmun Temple.
Botham III e House 38 100,000 3 1 1 South of Ankrahmun Temple.
Botham III f House 43 150,000 3 1 1 South of Ankrahmun Temple.
Botham III g House 31 100,000 2 1 1 South of Ankrahmun Temple.
Botham III h House 71 200,000 3 1 3 South of Ankrahmun Temple.
Botham IV a House 26 100,000 2 1 1 South part of Ankrahmun.
Botham IV e House 84 100,000 5 1 1 Southern Ankrahmun.
Botham IV f House 32 100,000 2 1 2 Southern Ankrahmun.
Botham IV g House 31 100,000 2 1 3 Southern Ankrahmun.
Botham IV h House 37 100,000 1 1 1 Southern Ankrahmun.
Botham IV i House 32 150,000 3 1 2 Southern Ankrahmun.
Chameken II House 17 80,000 1 1 1 South of depot.
Chameken I House 17 100,000 1 1 1 North of the boat.
Charsirakh I a House 7 25,000 1 1 1 West of the city.
Charsirakh I b House 37 150,000 2 1 1 West of the city.
Charsirakh III House 17 50,000 1 1 1 West of the city.
Charsirakh II House 26 100,000 2 1 1 West of the city.
Esuph II a House 7 25,000 1 1 1 Eastern part of the city.
Esuph II b House 32 100,000 2 1 2 Eastern part of the city.
Esuph III a House 7 25,000 1 1 1 Eastern part of the city.
Esuph III b House 31 100,000 2 1 3 Eastern part of the city.
Esuph IV a House 10 25,000 1 1 1 Eastern part of the city.
Esuph IV c House 23 80,000 2 1 1 Eastern part of the city.
Esuph IV d House 20 25,000 1 1 2 Eastern part of the city.
Esuph I House 17 50,000 1 1 1 Eastern part of the city.
Harrah I Guildhall 121 250,000 10 3 8 Located north of the boat, south of west city entrance, north-west of depot.
Horakhal Guildhall 203 250,000 14 3 6 Close to the Druid's Guild, south of the east city entrance, east of depot.
Low Waters Observatory House 480 400,000 5 2 7 East of Ankrahmun.
Mothrem I House 26 80,000 2 1 1 North-western part of the city.
Murkhol I a House 23 80,000 2 1 1 North of the boat, west of depot.
Murkhol I b House 11 50,000 1 1 1 North of the boat, west of depot.
Murkhol I c House 11 50,000 1 1 1 North of the boat, west of depot.
Oskahl I a House 37 150,000 2 1 1 South-western part of city, two floors above ground.
Oskahl I b House 21 80,000 1 1 1 South-western part of city, one floor above ground.
Oskahl I c House 17 80,000 1 1 1 South-western part of city, one floor above ground.
Oskahl I d House 26 100,000 2 1 1 South-western part of city, one floors above ground.
Oskahl I e House 21 80,000 1 1 1 South-western part of city, one floors above ground.
Oskahl I f House 21 100,000 1 1 1 South-western part of city.
Oskahl I g House 26 100,000 2 1 1 South-western part of city.
Oskahl I h House 39 150,000 3 1 3 South-western part of city.
Oskahl I i House 21 80,000 1 1 1 South-western part of city.
Oskahl I j House 17 80,000 1 1 1 South-western part of city.
Othehothep I a House 7 25,000 1 1 1 North-western part of city, two floors above ground.
Othehothep I b House 32 100,000 2 1 2 North-western part of city, one floor above ground.
Othehothep I c House 38 150,000 3 1 5 North-western part of city.
Othehothep I d House 43 150,000 4 1 3 Northwest side of the city
Othehothep II a House 10 25,000 1 1 1 North-western part of city, two floors above ground.
Othehothep II b House 43 150,000 3 1 3 North-western part of city, one floor above ground.
Othehothep II c House 21 80,000 1 1 1 North-western part of city.
Othehothep II d House 21 80,000 1 1 1 North-western part of city.
Othehothep II e House 31 150,000 2 1 1 North-western part of city.
Othehothep II f House 31 100,000 2 1 1 North-western part of city.
Othehothep III a House 7 25,000 1 1 1 North of equipment shop, two floors above ground.
Othehothep III b House 31 80,000 2 1 3 Northern part of city, one floor above ground.
Othehothep III c House 21 80,000 2 1 1 Northern part of city.
Othehothep III d House 26 80,000 1 1 1 Northern part of city
Othehothep III e House 21 50,000 1 1 1 Northern part of city.
Othehothep III f House 17 50,000 1 1 1 Northern part of city.
Ramen Tah Guildhall 123 250,000 16 3 6 Near the center of the city, east of depot.
Rathal I a House 26 80,000 2 1 1 Northern part of city, one level above ground.
Rathal I b House 17 50,000 1 1 1 North-eastern part of city.
Rathal I c House 17 25,000 1 1 1 North-eastern part of city.
Rathal I d House 17 50,000 2 1 1 North-eastern part of city.
Rathal I e House 17 50,000 2 1 1 North-eastern part of city.
Rathal II a House 26 80,000 1 1 1 North-east in Ankrahmun.
Rathal II b House 17 50,000 1 1 1 North-east of depot, near the east exit.
Rathal II c House 17 50,000 1 1 1 North-east, near town exit.
Rathal II d House 34 100,000 2 1 2 North-east, near town exit.
Thanah I a House 17 25,000 1 1 1 North-west of depot, 2 floors up.
Thanah I b House 56 150,000 3 1 3 North-west of depot, 1 floor up.
Thanah I c House 61 200,000 3 1 4 West from shops, north-west of depot.
Thanah I d House 52 200,000 4 1 4 North-west of depot.
Thanah II a House 17 25,000 1 1 1 West of depot, 2 floors up.
Thanah II b House 9 50,000 1 1 1 West of depot, 1 floor up.
Thanah II c House 9 25,000 1 1 1 West of depot, 1 floor up.
Thanah II d House 7 50,000 1 1 1 West of depot, 1 floor up.
Thanah II e House 7 25,000 1 1 1 West of depot, 1 floor up.
Thanah II f House 53 150,000 3 1 3 West of depot.
Thanah II g House 31 100,000 2 1 1 West of depot.
Thanah II h House 26 100,000 2 1 2 West of depot.
Thrarhor I a (Shop) House 21 50,000 1 1 1 North of depot.
Thrarhor I b (Shop) House 21 50,000 1 1 1 North of depot.
Thrarhor I c (Shop) House 21 50,000 1 1 1 North of depot.
Thrarhor I d (Shop) House 21 80,000 1 1 1 North of depot.
Unklath I a House 26 100,000 2 1 1 Northern part of city, 2 floors up.
Unklath I b House 34 100,000 2 1 2 Northern part of city, 1 floor up.
Unklath I c House 34 100,000 2 1 2 Northern part of city, 1 floor up.
Unklath I d House 37 150,000 3 1 1 North of equipment shop and Ankrahmun Arena.
Unklath I e House 37 150,000 2 1 1 Northern part of city.
Unklath I f House 37 100,000 2 1 1 Northern part of city.
Unklath I g House 37 100,000 1 1 1 Northern part of city.
Unklath II a House 26 50,000 1 1 1 Northern part of city, 1 floor up.
Unklath II b House 17 50,000 1 1 1 Northern part of city.
Unklath II c House 17 50,000 1 1 1 Nothern part of city
Unklath II d House 37 100,000 2 1 1 Northern part of city.
Uthemath I a House 10 25,000 1 1 1 West of depot.
Uthemath I b House 20 50,000 1 1 2 West of the Ankrahmun's Knight and Paladin Guild Hall.
Uthemath I c House 20 80,000 2 1 2 West of depot.
Uthemath I d House 21 80,000 1 1 1 West of depot.
Uthemath I e House 21 80,000 2 1 1 West of depot.
Uthemath I f House 56 150,000 3 1 4 West of the Ankrahmun's Knight and Paladin Guild Hall.
Uthemath II Guildhall 94 250,000 8 2 6 Close to the East Entrance to City, north-east of depot.
