
Ambient Effects are Effects that happen on the ambient, as opposed to effects that happen on characters or creatures.

List of Ambient Effects[]

Name Caused By Effect
Black Smoke Effect Black Smoke Effect
Block Effect Block Effect Fixed on the map. Teleports you.
Flitter Effect Flitter Effect Flitter.
Floating Block Effect Floating Block Effect Fixed on the map. Teleports you.
Green Smoke Effect Green Smoke Effect Using a Slimy Valve in the Communication Breakdown quest.
Purple Smoke Effect Purple Smoke Effect Using a Slimy Valve in the Communication Breakdown quest.
Red Smoke Effect Red Smoke Effect Purifying a Tainted Glooth Capsules with a Filled Glooth Converter, burning a Lion's Mane Flower on a Coal Basin, using a Slimy Valve in the Communication Breakdown quest.
Rune Effect 1 Rune Effect 1 Appears during the Grimvale Quest - Paradise Lost.
Rune Effect 2 Rune Effect 2 Appears during the Grimvale Quest - Paradise Lost.
Rune Effect 3 Rune Effect 3 Appears during the Grimvale Quest - Paradise Lost.
Steam Effect Steam Effect Moving a Vial of Coloured Glooth
Sun Priest Effect Sun Priest Effect Unknown
The Cube Effect The Cube Effect Unknown Unknown
Werelion Effect Werelion Effect Unknown
Yellow Smoke Effect Yellow Smoke Effect Using a Slimy Valve in the Communication Breakdown quest.