

This book has no notes.

Addendum to 'The Iks' (first revision)

Conquerors and adventurers from all corners of the world tried to find and occupy the lost cities of the Iks but no expedition bore fruit, all attempts failed. The Ikian civilisation has indeed been wiped clean from the face of the world. Was it the cleansing storm long prophesied? Or did their rampant lust for blood cost them their lives and legacy? Was the ultimate sacrifice of their souls over challenging the fear of the wrath of a vengeful god their downfall? It will probably never be known.

Legend has it, that the last remnants of the exiles once again built a home under the earth, deep down, made of stone and gold and filled with riches beyond belief (a scribbled note says Iksupan and "Ik'kal" after this sentence). The final exiles are believed to have never returned to the surface. A lost tribe, forever wandering their golden city in the deep, the entrance sealed shut for no god nor man to ever find them again.
