Tibia Wiki
Melchior NPC Melchior
Locatie: Loopt rond in de straten van Ankrahmun
Beroep: Blind Beggar
Notities: De djinns hebben Melchior blind gemaakt vanwege zijn hebzuchtigheid. Hij heeft een verhaal te vertellen:

Melchior: I was scared, but I remembered my grandfather's stories and I hailed the creature using the traditional djinn word of greeting. ...

Melchior: It worked. I managed to engage the djinn - for it was one sure enough - in a conversation. In fact, I even managed to come to an agreement with it. The djinns living there needed supplies, and I promised I would bring them some. ...

Melchior: A highly profitable business relationship ensued. Unfortunately, my greed grew every day, and it clouded my sense of judgement. ...

Melchior: Hearing that there was a second djinn fortress I travelled there. Those djinn, who called themselves the Marid, were friendly enough, and soon I traded with them as well. ...

Melchior: Unfortunately, it did not take the other djinn tribe, the Efreet, long to find out what I was up to. ...

Melchior: The Efreets' punishment was cruel: They blinded me and left me in the Kha'labal to die of thirst and exhaustion as food for the scarabs. But that was a favour I could not do them. ...

Melchior: I desperately struggled on and finally I was picked up by a caravan. They took me here, and now I am sort of stuck here in this city of the half-dead.
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Items die hij/zij ruilt:Geen.

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