Tibia Wiki
Dark Cathedral
Dark Monk
Near City: Kazordoon
Location: West of Plains of Havoc, here.
Vocation(s): All vocations.
Level & Skills' Requirements
Knights: 25 Attk: 50 50 :Shield
Paladins: 20 Dist: 50 :Shield/Arm
Mages: 20 ML: :Arm/Set
Profit Hourly



Maps and Pictures
Archivo:Dark Cathedral 0.png
See also: Hunting Places.

Dark Cathedral alguna vez fue planeada para ser la catedral más impresionante de todos los tiempos. Pero debido a un enorme terremoto ha sido destruido. Las ruinas están malditas y cualquiera que se atreva a ir allí podría no volver a la superficie. Todos los que viajan allí dejan el lugar con mala suerte para el resto de su vida. Las estructuras desmoronadas pueden caer sobre el aventurero que luego no puede escapar. Aquellos que sobrevivan a los peligros de la naturaleza se enfrentarán a los fantasmas devoradores de almas de los que han muerto en la catástrofe. According to Lorbas, there are no riches or treasures left in the ruins, the gold of his order melted away in funding the cathedral's construction...

Dark Cathedral esta localizada al sur de Outlaw Camp, y al oeste de la temida Plains of Havoc, y solo se puede llegar cruzando los grandes llanos (En esta parte es peligroso porque en el centro de los llanos hay una araña gigante que puede ser atraída), al sur del pantano de Venore.
Mientras que se puede llegar al primer y segundo piso bajando las escaleras, solo se puede llegar al tercer piso pasando por un teleporter. Comenzando desde las escaleras en el segundo piso, debes seguir caminando hacia el sur, hacia una habitación grande, el teletransportador está al final de la habitación. Antes de poder ingresar al teletransportador, debe cambiar las 6 palancas en las 5 habitaciones alrededor de la sala grande. Hay un límite de tiempo de entre 30 segundos y 2,5 minutos (sin confirmar). Por esa razón, es recomendable cambiar las palancas con un equipo, o hacer una ronda para matar a todos los monstruos y una segunda para cambiar todas las palancas.

Dark Cathedral NPCs (2 NPCs)[]

Name Trans Job Buy/Sell Location
Angelina Angelina Prisoner no Dark Cathedral, floor -3
Lorbas Lorbas Monk no Near Dark Cathedral, (here).

Monsters of Dark Cathedral[]

NameTrans Exp HP sum/conLoot
Bat Bat 10 30 250/250 Bat Wing (rare).
Poison Spider Poison Spider 22 26 270/270 0-4 gp, Poison Spider Shell (rare).
Centipede Centipede 34 70 335/335 0-17 gp, Centipede Leg.
Skeleton Skeleton 35 50 300/300 0-10 gp, Bone, Pelvis Bone, Torch, Viking Helmet, Brass Shield (semi-rare), Hatchet (semi-rare), Mace (semi-rare), Sword (rare).
Rotworm Rotworm 40 65 --/305 0-17 gp, Ham, Meat, Lump of Dirt, Mace (semi-rare), Sword (semi-rare), 0-3 Worms (semi-rare).
Scorpion Scorpion 45 45 310/310 Scorpion Tail (semi-rare).
Smuggler Smuggler 48 130 390/390 0-10 gp, 0-2 Torch, Ham, Knife, Leather Helmet, Leather Legs, Short Sword, 0-5 Raspberries (semi-rare), Combat Knife (semi-rare), Sword (semi-rare), Deer Trophy (very rare).
Wild Warrior Wild Warrior 60 135 420/420 0-30 gp, Axe, Mace, Brass Shield, Leather Legs, Chain Helmet, 0-2 Eggs (semi-raro?) Iron Helmet (raro), Brass Armor (raro), Steel Shield (muy raro), Doll (very raro), War Hammer (muy raro).
Bandit Bandit 65 245 450/450 0-30 gp, 0-3 Tomatoes, Axe, Mace, Chain Helmet, Leather Legs, Brass Shield, Brass Armor (semi-rare), Iron Helmet (semi-rare), War Hammer (rare).
Ghoul Ghoul 85 100 450/450 0-30 gp, Rotten Piece of Cloth, Torch, 0-2 Worms, Ghoul Snack (semi-rare), Brown Piece of Cloth (rare), Pile of Grave Earth (rare), Scale Armor (rare), Viking Helmet (rare), Knife (very rare), Life Ring (very rare), Skull (very rare).
Dark Apprentice Dark Apprentice 100 225 --/-- 0-50 gp, 0-3 Blank Runes, Dead Frog, Wand of Dragonbreath (semi-rare), 0-2 Mana Potions (semi-rare), Health Potion (semi-rare), Wand of Decay (Rare).
Assassin Assassin 105 175 --/450 0-50 gp, 0-14 Throwing Star, 0-2 Torch, Knife, Combat Knife (semi-rare), Steel Helmet (semi-rare), 0-8 Viper Star (semi-rare), Battle Shield (rare), Plate Shield (rare), Steel Shield (rare), Leopard Armor (rare), 0-2 Small Diamond (very rare), Horseman Helmet (very rare).
Ghost Ghost 120 150 --/-- Shadow Herb, Cape, Morning Star, Combat Knife, Orange Book (rare), Ghostly Tissue (rare), White Piece of Cloth (rare), Ancient Shield (rare), Stealth Ring (very rare).
Tarantula Tarantula 120 225 485/485 0-40 gp, Tarantula Egg, Brass Legs (semi-rare), Plate Shield (semi-rare), Steel Helmet (rare), Time Ring (very rare).
Witch Witch 120 300 --/-- 0-33 gp, 0-8 Cookies, Wolf Tooth Chain, Witch Broom, Star Herb, Cape (semi-rare), Garlic Necklace (semi-rare), Leather Boots (semi-rare), Sickle (semi-rare), Coat (rare), Necrotic Rod (rare), Silver Dagger (very-rare), Fern (very rare), Witch Hat (very rare), Stuffed Toad (very rare).
Dark Monk Dark Monk 145 190 --/480 0-18 gp, Bread, Dark Rosary, Scroll (semi-rare), Rope Belt (semi-rare), Ankh (semi-rare), Book of Prayers (rare), Safety Pin (rare), Life Crystal (rare), Mana Potion (rare), Brown Flask (rare), Sandals (rare), Lamp (very rare), Power Ring (very rare).
Hunter Hunter 150 150 --/530 0-22 Arrows, 0-2 Oranges, 0-2 Rolls, Brass Helmet, Bow, 0-3 Burst Arrows, Hunter's Quiver, 0-4 Poison Arrow, Bow (semi-rare), Torch (semi-rare), Brass Armor (semi-rare), Dragon Necklace (rare), Wolf Trophy (very rare), Lion Trophy (very rare), Sniper Gloves (very rare), Small Ruby (very rare), Deer Trophy (very rare), Slingshot (very rare).
Mummy Mummy 150 240 --/-- 0-94 gp, Flask of Embalming Fluid, 0-3 worms, Magic Light Wand, Strange Talisman, Silver Brooch, Poison Dagger, Gauze Bandage, Crystal Ring (semi-rare), Black Pearl (semi-rare), Silver Amulet (rare), Yellow Piece of Cloth (rare), Black Shield (very rare), Mini Mummy (very rare).
Slime (Creature) Slime (Creature) 160 150 --/-- Nothing (turns into a pool of slime).
Stone Golem Stone Golem 160 270 590/590 0-15 gp, 0-4 Small Stone, Sulphurous Stone, Iron Ore (semi-rare), Power Ring (semi-rare), Ancient Stone (rare), Carlin Sword (rare), Piece of Marble Rock (rare), Shiny Stone (rare), Crystal Ring (very rare), Red Gem (very rare).
Bonelord Bonelord 170 260 --/-- 0-60 gp, Small Flask of Eyedrops, Longsword, Morning Star, Spellbook, Steel Shield (semi-rare), Two Handed Sword (semi-rare), Mana Potion (rare), Bonelord Eye (very rare), Terra Rod (rare), Bonelord Shield (very rare).
Dark Magician Dark Magician 185 325 --/-- 0-80 gp, Mana Potion, Blank Rune, Health Potion, Strong Mana Potion, Strong Health Potion, Necrotic Rod (very rare), Small Enchanted Amethyst (very rare).
Monk Monk 200 240 600/-- 0-20 gp, Rope Belt, Safety Pin, Bread, Scroll, Lamp, Brown Flask, Sandals, Staff, Book of Prayers, Life Crystal (semi-rare), Ankh (semi-rare), Power Ring (rare).
Demon Skeleton Demon Skeleton 240 400 620/620 0-50 gp, Torch, 0-3 Throwing Star, Battle Hammer (semi-rare), Demonic Skeletal Hand (semi-rare), Mysterious Fetish (rare), Black Pearl (rare), Battle Shield (rare), Iron Helmet (rare), Mana Potion (rare), 0-2 Health Potion (rare), Mind Stone (very rare), Guardian Shield (very rare)
Rukor Zad Rukor Zad 380 380 --/-- 0-50 gp, Steel Shield, 0-7 Viper Star .

Possible lured monsters[]

NameTrans Exp HP sum/conLoot
Vampire Vampire 305 475 --/-- 0-20 gp, Bowl, Skull, Grave Flower, Katana, Blood Preservation, Strong Health Potion (semi-rare), Black Pearl (semi-rare), Vampire Teeth (semi-rare), Spike Sword (semi-rare), Bronze Amulet (rare), Strange Helmet (rare), Ice Rapier (very rare), Emerald Bangle (very rare), Vampire Shield (very rare).
Giant Spider Giant Spider 900 1300 --/-- 0-115 gp,Plate Legs, Plate Armor, 0-12 Poison Arrows, Steel Helmet (semi-rare), Spider Silk (rare), Time Ring (rare), Strong Health Potion (rare), Knight Armor (very rare), Knight Legs (very rare), Platinum Amulet (very rare), Lightning Headband (very rare).


Archivo:Dark Cathedral 1.png

First Floor Respawns
A 2 Bandits, 2 Smugglers K 3 Wild Warriors
B 2 Bandits, 2 Wild Warriors L 2 Bandits
C 3 Bandits, 2 Smugglers, 3 Wild Warriors M 2 Centipedes
D 3 Slimes N 6 Bandits, 2 Wild Warriors
E 3 Poison Spiders O 2 Bandits, 3 Wild Warriors
F 2 Bats, 1 Wild Warrior P 3 Bandits, 3 Smugglers
G Rotworm cave Q 3 Bandits
H Lots of Poison Spider, 1 Scorpion, Tarantula cave R 3 Bandits
I Undead cave S 1 Assassin, 3 Bandits
J 1 Slime, Slime and Bonelord cave T 2 Assassins, 4 Bandits, 1 Dark Monk

