Tibia Wiki

Los Shields (Escudo) son utilizados por todos en Tibia, excepto los que llevan una crossbow, un bow o un arma de two-handed.

Llevar un escudo te permite bloquear algunos ataques de criaturas u otros jugadores, y eso mejorará tu habilidad de Shielding.

El escudo más fuerte es el Blessed Shield, y el más fuerte en Rookgaard, es el Copper Shield.


Name Def Weight Dropped By
Dwarven Shield Dwarven Shield 26 55.00 Dwarf Soldier.
Tempest Shield Tempest Shield 36 51.00 Ferumbras, Minishabaal.
Steel Shield Steel Shield 21 69.00 Bonelord, Braindeath, Dragon, Elder Bonelord, General Murius, Gladiator, Grorlam, Massive Water Elemental, Nomad, Pirate Cutthroat, Plaguesmith, Wild Warrior.
Studded Shield Studded Shield 15 59.00 Orc, Primitive.
Battle Shield Battle Shield 23 62.00 Assassin, Cyclops, Cyclops Smith, Demon Skeleton, Dwarf Guard, Frost Giant, Frost Giantess, Gargoyle, General Murius, Hellspawn, Minotaur Guard, Mutated Bat, Orc Rider, Stone Golem.
Bonelord Shield Bonelord Shield 28 47.00 Bonelord, Braindeath, Elder Bonelord, The Evil Eye
Bone Shield Bone Shield 20 55.00 Bonebeast, Chakoya Toolshaper, Chakoya Tribewarden, Chakoya Windcaller, Crypt Shambler, Dworc Fleshhunter.
Brass Shield Brass Shield 16 60.00 Bandit, Skeleton, Stalker, Wild Warrior.
Copper Shield Copper Shield 19 63.00 Dwarf Soldier, Orc Warrior.
Castle Shield Castle Shield 28 49.00 Lich
Dark Shield Dark Shield 25 52.00 Grim Reaper, Pirate Corsair, The Handmaiden.
Dragon Shield Dragon Shield 31 60.00 Demodras, Dragon.
Norse Shield Norse Shield 28 41.00 Frost Giant, Frost Giantess
Medusa Shield Medusa Shield 33 58.00 Medusa, Hydra, The Many, The Noxious Spawn.
Great Shield Great Shield 38 84.00 Ferumbras, Ghazbaran, Massacre, Morgaroth.
Griffin Shield Griffin Shield 29 50.00 None
Rose Shield Rose Shield 27 52.00 None
Guardian Shield Guardian Shield 30 55.00 Demon Skeleton, Diabolic Imp, Energy Elemental, Fire Devil, Minishabaal, Mutated Tiger.
Sentinel Shield Sentinel Shield 22 49.00 Lizard Sentinel.
Viking Shield Viking Shield 22 66.00 None.
Scarab Shield Scarab Shield 25 47.00 Ancient Scarab
Salamander Shield Salamander Shield 26 59.00 Lizard Templar, High Templar Cobrass
Tusk Shield Tusk Shield 27 69.00 Elephant, Mammoth, The Bloodtusk.
Tortoise Shield Tortoise Shield 26 52.00 Tortoise
Meat Shield Meat Shield 10 5.00 Doctor Perhaps
The Shield Nevermourn The Shield Nevermourn 25 52.00 Dirtbeard
Shield of Care Shield of Care 8 17.00 Monstor.
Shield of the White Knight Shield of the White Knight 8 5.00 Mephiles.
Eagle Shield Eagle Shield 32 62.00 None.
Shield of Corruption Shield of Corruption 36 49.00 Draken Abomination, Draken Elite
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Terran Rainbow Shield Terran Rainbow Shield 37 69.00 None.
Ornamented Shield Ornamented Shield 22 67.00 None.
Black Shield Black Shield 18 42.00 Mummy, Mutated Bat, Priestess.
Wooden Shield Wooden Shield 14 40.00 Frost Troll, Island Troll, Troll.
Plate Shield Plate Shield 17 65.00 Assassin, Cyclops, Elf, Gozzler, Minotaur, Mutated Rat, Orc Leader, Pirate Marauder, Tarantula, Tortoise, Werewolf.
Phoenix Shield Phoenix Shield 34 35.00 Ferumbras, Mahrdis.
Necromancer Shield Necromancer Shield 37 32.00 None.
Rainbow Shield Rainbow Shield 30 69.00 None.
Tower Shield Tower Shield 32 82.00 Dragon Lord, Frost Dragon, Mutated Rat, Lizard High Guard,Lizard Chosen, Serpent Spawn, Esmeralda.
Crown Shield Crown Shield 32 62.00 Hero
Blessed Shield Blessed Shield 40 68.00 none
Vampire Shield Vampire Shield 34 38.00 Arachir The Ancient One, Diblis The Fair, Grynch Clan Goblin, Sir Valorcrest, The Weakened Count, Vampire, Zevelon Duskbringer.
Mastermind Shield Mastermind Shield 37 57.00 Demon, Annihilon, Ferumbras, Ghazbaran, Juggernaut, Latrivan, Morgaroth, Orshabaal, Zugurosh, Zulazza the Corruptor.
Sparking Rainbow Shield Sparking Rainbow Shield 36 69.00 None.
Icy Rainbow Shield Icy Rainbow Shield 39 69.00 None.
Shield of Honour Shield of Honour 33 54.00 None.
Fiery Rainbow Shield Fiery Rainbow Shield 36 69.00 None.
Demon Shield Demon Shield 35 26.00 Demon, Ghazbaran, Latrivan, Madareth, Minishabaal, Morgaroth, Orshabaal, Zugurosh, Golgordan.
Nightmare Shield Nightmare Shield 37 32.00 None.
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